iRumble in the iJungle

My two little ones are fighting. The 10mo and 2yo are screaming and tousling like it’s the rumble in the jungle, the thriller in Manilla. What could possibly be causing all this fuss?

A toy car? No.

A bottle? Not this time, though a bottle comes into contention at least a couple of times a day.

A box of sultanas? No.

It’s the iPad!

I bought it for L of course. I’d read about how wonderful a tool it was for kids on the spectrum, so I got in there with an ipad 1. (seriously, it wasn’t that long ago, how can we be up to 3 already?). It’s kind of embarrassing to admit this but I mostly used it as an ipod for the first few months. I was having problems with getting online, so I just forgot about it for a bit. But the kids got to listen to some beautiful music as they went to sleep each night. I know!!! Am I insane?? Possibly.

Anyway, I did get it together to ring my provider and they sorted it out and after that I did a bit more research and started to look for apps that might interest my boy. He’s still a long way from fluent language. His receptive language is coming along which is incredibly encouraging as it means that brain of his is whirring away in there. So I started off with some early language flash card type apps along with trying a couple of assisted communication style apps.

These would hold his attention for a maximum of about 10 seconds. More like about 2. I know, you’ve got to keep trying. So I have, I do. I also keep looking. Trying lots of different approaches but also going back to keep building familiarity and experience. I’ve got puzzles, games, autism specific apps. I’ve got apps that help with numeracy, apps to help with writing, fine motor, language, memory and even keeping track of progress. I’ve found some great resources and keep finding more. Interestingly, as the little boys get more interested in the ipad, L is hovering around more, wanting to see what is on the screen, smiling, looking to join in.

Of course, as things go along, the next in line to the throne – N started talking in earnest earlier this year. In fact his language just exploded – going from a vocab of about 12 words to 100’s in a few weeks. He was just so ready for it. The iPad and all it’s amazing apps has been a big interest for him. He started off with the animal flashcards and now he can knock out a toca boca robot in a matter of seconds. He’s a techno child for sure.

And baby J? Well he is desperate for a bit of ipad/phone action. He knows all about buttons and he desperately wants to push them! He knows there’s fun to be had. I have to say, if I am waiting to see the doctor or just need some peace and quiet, I am ever grateful to those clever people who made this thing. I might even have to get another one!

Top 10 Free Apps for ASD kids from Small But Kinda Mighty

ipad apps and info for special kids a facebook group that rocks

The iMums international women of apps

Smart Apps for Kids reviews, giveaways, free app of the day

ipad apps & resources for people with autism  a comprehensive spreadsheet style resource

Our favourites: (sorry no links but you know where to find them)

Robot Lab

iBaby Buttons

Toddler Jukebox

Magic Piano

Animal Fun

Sound Shaker

Counting with the Very Hungry Caterpillar

  • Now attempting to get a giveaway super protect cover at the iMums


6 thoughts on “iRumble in the iJungle

  1. Your darling N taught me how to use yours within seconds………..I dream about getting one of these, amazing qualities…….I know who to come to for lessons when we eventually buy one……..prehaps two is necessary by the sounds…….so lovely your boys got to listen to quality music at sleep time with the lastest technology.

  2. Robbie’s school has an “ipad lab” instead of a computer lab. I wish we could get one! Not sure when that will happen, though lol Closest thing we have in our house is a Kindle Fire, which is pretty neat, but not quite the same thing. We’ve found some neat apps for that – “pop up” books and games, etc.

  3. Thank you so much for the shout-out! The title of your blog post made me laugh out loud. 🙂 When I was fundraising to get my boys iPads I knew I would have to get two – one would just not work at all in our house! Luckily due to the generosity of friends and family I was able to raise sufficient funds. Your post reminded me that I have been meaning to put together a page on my blog with links to iPad resources that I find useful – I must do that soon! Also, for your readers who haven’t yet got an iPad – you can start building your app collection even before you get a device. Just download iTunes on your PC or Mac and download the good apps while they are free. Like Toca Doctor which is only free until Mother’s Day 😉

    Also, Sara – not sure if you have found Digital Storytime yet? Wonderful site that reviews book apps for Kindle, Nook and Android as well as iOS.

    • Thanks for that great advice about down loading free ones now.
      How lovely you have such generous family and friends.

    • Oh you are such good value!! Great tips! Thanks so much for sharing with us here. Glad you liked the title. I was just going to call it Rumble in the Jungle but then I knew I’d get heaps of people searching for boxing blogs (are there such things??? really?) so thought I’d better make it a little different. My little boy N had a wonderful play yesterday with the lego app you recommended. Still exploring some of the others. A great post from you!

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